Our Beliefs

Holy Trinity’s core beliefs are firmly planted in the mainstream of historic Anglican thought and practice. These beliefs include:

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life: No one comes to the Father but by Him. The Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, containing all things necessary for salvation, and to be the final authority and unchangeable standard for Christian faith and life. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Eucharist) are the Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself in the Gospel, and thus are to be ministered with unfailing use of His words of institution and of the elements ordained by Him. The historic faith of the undivided church as declared in the three catholic creeds: the Apostles’, the Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds. We receive The Book of Common Prayer as set forth by the Church of England in 1662, together with the Ordinal attached to the same, as a standard for Anglican doctrine and discipline, and, with the Books which preceded it, as the standard for the Anglican tradition of worship. We receive the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion of 1571, taken in their literal and grammatical sense, as expressing the Anglican response to certain doctrinal issues controverted at that time, and as expressing the fundamental principles of authentic Anglican belief.

Our Story

Holy Trinity began when several couples came together to try to hear God’s voice for their lives. Certainly, these people did not have planting a church in mind! We only knew we had a hunger in our spirits that we could not quench. We met on Wednesday nights in homes to pray, to search the Scriptures, share a meal and just be together in caring fellowship with one another.

Over the next year or so, we began to sense something happening within us, an excitement, a holy whisper to surrender ourselves more intentionally into His hands, wherever He might lead us.” These couples, sensing the leading of the Holy Spirit, voted unanimously to seek to plant a church in Metro-Jackson. The group met with Bishop T. J. Johnston and David Young, both from St. Andrew’s Church in Little Rock, to begin that process. Holy Trinity was thereupon formed and now grows in number and in the Spirit, as we follow His lead and growth in grace and knowledge of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

We continue to seek to establish a church that is founded on God’s Holy Word and committed to the truth that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. We are united in the desire for a liturgical form of worship rooted in the Scriptures as the Word of God. Our fellowship represents the three streams of scriptural, sacramental and spirit-filled, but these worship preferences are considered to be three streams converging into one river of life. Our purpose is to encounter and share the Holy Trinity through worship, community and mission in the Jackson metropolitan area, in Mississippi and to the ends of the earth.

Holy Trinity Anglican Church is a member of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) under the Anglican Diocese of the South. As a member of the ACNA, Holy Trinity is in full communion with Anglicans the world over.

Our Worship

Liturgy literally means, “the work of the people.” When we speak of liturgical worship, we are speaking of a form of worship which calls everyone to actively, personally, and passionately do the work of worship, beginning to end.

A liturgical style of worship, particularly one that is centered around Holy Eucharist (The Lord’s Supper), engages the believer in every human sense: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and even smelling. And with our senses engaged, we have the joy to actively participate in the drama of the Gospel, the greatest truth, each time we gather as a corporate body.

Perhaps at the core of embracing liturgy is the belief that to engage in worship is to not be a spectator. In a practical sense, this means that a participant isn’t just listening to or admiring the worship of another, but their own heart, mind, and even body are participating in the act of worship itself.
Experiencing this type of service for the first time might give you the sense that if an early church father walked in the room, he would know exactly what was going on! A beautiful reality of a liturgical service is that Christians from all over the world and from every tongue and tribe can enter a service like this, perhaps not sharing a language or a cultural heritage, and can immediately experience worship with one another, in Spirit and Truth.
Liturgical worship looks incredibly different from the modern world. It, in some ways, is the opposite of Facebook, Twitter, and a fast-paced lifestyle. Liturgy forces you to slow down. When you kneel, you are not only expressing humility, but you are being made more humble. When you perform the sign of the cross, you are pressed to remember the literal intimacy of the Trinity and God’s complete provision for you. When you are anointed with oil, you are joining the ancients in proclaiming the power of the Holy Spirit and remembering God’s extravagant love for us. And when you are served the bread and wine, having first confessed your sins and passed the Peace of Christ to your neighbor, you are literally nourished with the only thing that can sustain you in this life: the body and blood of Jesus.

Our Clergy and Staff

The Rev. Ryan Streett
The Rev. Ryan StreettRector
The Rev. Eric Geisbert
The Rev. Eric GeisbertAssistant for Youth and Family Ministries
The Rev. Deacon Jimmy Fowler
The Rev. Deacon Jimmy FowlerAssistant for Pastoral Care
The Rev. John Pearce
The Rev. John PearceDeacon
David Browne
David BrowneMusic Director
Jenny Mitchell
Jenny MitchellChildren’s Ministry Coordinator
Ramona Wolf
Ramona WolfChurch Administrator

Vestry Members

Bill Mosby, Senior Warden
Bob Rives, Junior Warden
B.G. Allen
Amy Ashcraft
Randy Belton
Jonathan Koefoed
Jenny Mitchell

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis

True worship is open to God, adoring God, waiting for God, trusting God even in the dark.

N.T. Wright

Calvary’s saving power does not depend on faith being added to it; its saving power is such that faith flows from it.

J.I. Packer